2024.04.21 ansible 4일차 - Learning Ansible 2.7
2024.04.21 ansible 4일차
- 교재: Learning Ansible 2.7 - Third Edition (packtpub) (github)
여기까지 했음
- https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/cloud-and-networking/9781789954333/5/ch05lvl1sec28/working-with-variables
- /home/opc/Learning-Ansible-2.X-Third-Edition-master/Chapter03
ansible playbook 을 빠르게 설정 보기 접기/펼치기
* https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/faster-ansible-playbook-execution ```bash # faster-ansible-playbook-execution if ! grep -i -q callbacks_enabled "ansible.cfg"; then sed -i 's/\[defaults\]/\[defaults\]\n## display tasks times\ncallbacks_enabled = timer, profile_tasks, profile_roles/' ./ansible.cfg fi if ! grep -i -q forks "ansible.cfg"; then sed -i 's/\[defaults\]/\[defaults\]\n## parallelism running, default 5, Task5\(start-\>end\) -\> Task5 \nforks=50/' ./ansible.cfg fi if ! grep -i -q host_key_checking "ansible.cfg"; then sed -i 's/\[defaults\]/\[defaults\]\n## Disable host key check\nhost_key_checking = False/' ./ansible.cfg fi if ! grep -i -q pipelining "ansible.cfg"; then sed -i 's/\[defaults\]/\[defaults\]\n## SSH connections reduce\npipelining = True/' ./ansible.cfg fi if ! grep -i -q ssh_connection "ansible.cfg"; then echo "[ssh_connection]" >> ./ansible.cfg echo "ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s" >> ./ansible.cfg fi ```- 공부한 것
- Scaling to Multiple Hosts
collections 스크립트
- Docker
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/docker/index.html#plugins-in-community-docker
- Amazon Web Services ( AWS )
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/amazon/aws/index.html
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/aws/index.html#plugins-in-community-aws
- Kubernetes
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/kubernetes/index.html
- Openstack
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/openstack/index.html
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/openstack/cloud/index.html#plugins-in-openstack-cloud
- Microsoft
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/microsoft/index.html
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/windows/index.html#plugins-in-community-windows
Python Module not found: firewalld and its python module are required for this module
- 환경
- OS: Oracle Linux Server release 7.9
- APP: ansible 2.9.27(python version = 2.7.5)
- 증상: 방화벽 정책에서 http, https 정책 2개를 한꺼번에 설정하는 과정에 오류가 발생함
- 원인: firewalld 모듈이 없음
- 조치: python-firewall 설치
- 비고: Python 3.x 인 경우 python3-firewall 패키지 설치가 필요함